So many people ask me if it feels different now that we're married. I have to say that it does and it doesn't. All in very good ways. In the ways that it feels the same, I'm very happy about. I didn't want it to feel different. That's why I asked her to marry me. I loved it just the way it was. As for the things that feel different, I guess its really just a sense of pride. I'm very proud to be her husband. I'm proud to call her my wife. I catch myself using my left hand more often in social situations so people notice my wedding ring. Simple things like that. I just feel good. I feel lucky to have such an amazing person in my life that loves me as much as I love her.
Alright, now to pick up the pace on this update...
I've been building a bunch of cabinets for the Pittsburgh Children's Hospital with my buddy Ryan. It's going really well. Getting our names out there.
I took a job with as a professional custom furniture and cabinet maker. It's pretty sweet. I get to design, build, and spray things all day long and at the end of the week, I get paid!
I've been building a bunch of things at home. I recently was given a pile of cedar planks, which will soon be built into a kayak. I have always wanted to build a boat, so I'm very excited.
Other than that, there have been a few exciting things, but nothing out of the ordinary so far. I'm looking forward to some new adventures in the near future. Especially now that I will have my wife by my side through it all.
I'll try to keep up with this more often, but until then, I'm off to have some beers with my friends.
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