So of course, it always excited me to think about going out west and attempting some crazy climb somewhere like Eldorado Canyon. Never really thinking that I'd get the opportunity, but always dreaming.
Well, this is me.
Rock climbing in Eldorado Canyon.
My family from Boulder, CO took Sonya and I climbing while we were in town for a visit. It was an incredible experience. They've been climbing for a lot of years, so they had a wealth of knowledge and pointers to share.
Thanks Owen. That made me happy.
Once we both made it down, we all started to climb. Taking turns of course.
Unfortunately for me, I didn't realize that we were going climbing, so I didn't bring along my climbing shoes. As it turns out, hiking shoes are no match for 1/4" wide, at best, foot holds. I tried my best, but the shoes just weren't going to let it happen. I really enjoyed the attempt though.
That little speck of a person at the top of this rock face is my uncle. In a few weeks, he's turning 60.
Sonya and my aunt Emily climbed next and did very well. Sonya was amazing. At first, she didn't seem to have the confidence in herself, but once she started up, she was a natural. I was very proud to say the least.
So, feeling like I just had to give it one more try, I decided to go barefoot. Everyone gave me the "that's going to hurt more than you know" look, but I was determined to at least try.
Well guess what, it hurt more than I knew.
I loved it!
We wrapped up the day by going to a microbrewery with my cousin. We had great food and lots of great beer. Then we met my uncle back at his house to hang out and share the huge growler that we brought back from the brewery.
Life in Colorado is everything I've ever imagined.
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