Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hooray for Beaujolais

As you can seen in the background of this picture, our wine cabinet is looking pretty pitiful. We're down to three bottles. That's sad considering it was completely full about three months ago. I'm not really sure how to explain that, but the fact is, we're almost out.

Sonya and I are making wine once again and we're very excited about it.

This batch, we've decided to go with a Beaujolais. It's a light to medium bodied red wine that is typically consumed young, which is perfect because we plan to share it with everyone at our wedding in August. We're making six gallons, so we should have about thirty bottles, however considering our families and friends, we may need more.

Imperial Stout

Well, we've brewed again. This time Ryan and I decided to tackle the challenge of an Imperial Stout.

I am very pleased and impressed with this brew, too. It turned out amazingly. It's dark, it's smooth, it's bold, and it's very strong. We brewed five gallons and we only have a little less than a case left. We're definitely going to brew this one again.

I've been thinking lately that I should start posting the recipes for each brew as well, just in case someone wants to try them out for themselves. You really don't need a ton of equipment, just a lot of patience, a great sense of cleanliness, and a passion for beer.

Maybe I'll start with the next brew...

Kale Chips

One of the things that I love about Sonya is that we share a love for food. All kinds of food, too. We're probably the least picky people in that department, especially me. A few weeks ago, we decided to try out a new recipe that we had stumbled onto. It was a recipe that involved Kale.

Basically, all you do is tear the Kale into potato chip sized pieces, coat them in olive oil and salt, then bake them until they are crispy. Supposedly they were supposed to taste like a healthy version of a potato chip.

For those who don't know, Kale is a very dark, leafy, green vegetable.

And it tastes like crap.

Maybe we just didn't put enough salt on them, but in any case, they bypassed our mouths and headed full steam into the garbage can. At least we tried though. It's so hard to be healthy.